Kelly Maginot is throwing her girlfriends the perfect dinner party ... or so she thinks. Her impossible mother, Brigitte, is in town. Plus her brother is secretly dating her friend Zoe, who just quit her job, and her other friend Lorrie has postponed a wedding, and her sexy almost-boyfriend Enrique might drop by at any moment. Will Kelly make it through the evening in one piece, or will she fly off the handle, pitch a fit, push everyone's buttons, and completely alienate all her friends -- in short, will she become her mother?
An updated version of this play is available; contact Playscripts for details.
- Comedy
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- 95 - 110 minutes
- 5 W, 2 M,
Content Notes: Mild adult language, mature themes
Set: The living/dining alcove of a one-bedroom bungalow, with a table and seating for five