The day before sign ups for student-directed shows, Ben and Jamie share an illicit kiss that rocks third block honors theatre to its very core. Especially because Jamie’s boyfriend Jacob is set to play the lead in Ben’s show. Ben is determined to make sure Jacob doesn’t learn about the kiss, while Jamie’s equally as determined to tell Jacob the kiss was Ben’s fault so he’ll drop Ben’s show and join hers instead. Both theatre students are willing to do whatever it takes to get the cast list of their student-directed dreams. Blackmail, bribes, secret bathroom meetings—All bets are off in The Bloody War of Third Block Honors Theatre!
- Dramedy
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- 30 - 35 minutes
- 7 W, 2 M, 1 Any (10 actors possible: 7-8 W, 2-3 M)
Set: A high school theatre and a girls' bathroom
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-68069-941-8