Two Hoosiers chew the fat about inclement weather, breakfast meats, and Shakespeare in this contemplative "slice-of-life" comedy.
- Comedy
- |
- 8 - 10 minutes
- 2 Any (2 actors possible: 0-2 W, 0-2 M)
Set: Minimal.
Two Hoosiers chew the fat about inclement weather, breakfast meats, and Shakespeare in this contemplative "slice-of-life" comedy.
APR 12, 2024 - APR 21, 2024
Georgetown College Theatre Dept.
Georgetown, KY United States |
Georgetown College Theatre Dept. | Georgetown, KY United States |
OCT 22, 2021 - OCT 23, 2021
Theatre on the Isle
Bowen Island, BC Canada |
Theatre on the Isle | Bowen Island, BC Canada |
OCT 15, 2021 - OCT 26, 2021
Calumet Players
Pipestone, MN United States |
Calumet Players | Pipestone, MN United States |
SEP 19, 2015 - SEP 19, 2015
Department of Theatre and Dance, Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, CA United States |
Department of Theatre and Dance, Santa Clara University | Santa Clara, CA United States |
OCT 18, 2014 - OCT 19, 2014
St. Joseph-Ogden High School
St. Joseph, IL United States |
St. Joseph-Ogden High School | St. Joseph, IL United States |
APR 27, 2014 - APR 27, 2014
The Prairie School
Racine, WI United States |
The Prairie School | Racine, WI United States |
No upcoming productions. |
No professional productions. |