When Matt realizes that he hates all of his current friends, he finds himself pulled into a literal cult of new Friendship: that's capital-F Friendship for capital-F Friends. Celia, a ringleader of the Friends, introduces him to a world of backstabbing Frenemies, point-based rankings, group shower parties, and passive-aggressive outsiders -- and he's a perfect fit. As Matt grows closer to Celia, they must overcome their mountainous hang-ups to become more-than-Friends. This hilarious black comedy, narrated by a passive-aggressive outsider, is chock-full of cattiness, ludicrous quirks, and awkward obscenities -- all of the frustrations and joys of human relationships.
- Comedy
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- 90 - 100 minutes
- 3 W, 2 M, (5-11 actors possible: 3-6 W, 2-5 M)
Content Notes: Adult language and content.
Set: Interiors in a bustling metropolis -- restaurant, living rooms, bedrooms, etc.
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-434-9