Story / Theme



Play Duration



Here are your 50 Results!

Streaming Rights Available

I Don't Want to Talk About It by Bradley Hayward

  • Drama
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  • 30 - 45 minutes
  • 5 Any (5-32 actors possible: 0-32 W, 0-32 M)
Productions (523)

Being a teenager is hard, and nobody wants to talk about it. Confronting the daily challenges of growing up, this series of monologues and scenes... Read more

Being a teenager is hard, and nobody wants to talk about it. Confronting the daily challenges of growing up, this series of monologues and scenes... Read more

Streaming Rights Available

Good Kids by Naomi Iizuka

  • Drama
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  • 80 - 85 minutes
  • 8 W, 4 M, 
Productions (131)

Something happened to Chloe after that party last Saturday night. Something she says she can't remember. Something everybody is talking about.... Read more

Something happened to Chloe after that party last Saturday night. Something she says she can't remember. Something everybody is talking about.... Read more

Streaming Rights Available

What I Want to Say But Never Will by Alan Haehnel

  • Drama
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  • 80 - 90 minutes
  • 20 Any (5-76 actors possible: 0-76 W, 0-76 M)
Productions (148)

If you could say anything you wanted, without any consequences or judgment, just what would you say? Based on student responses from around the... Read more

If you could say anything you wanted, without any consequences or judgment, just what would you say? Based on student responses from around the... Read more

Streaming Rights Available

And by Alan Haehnel

  • Drama
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  • 30 - 40 minutes
  • 10 W, 4 M,  (12-17 actors possible: 5-12 W, 2-10 M)
Productions (237)

Aaron has something big on his mind, and he's having trouble getting it off his chest. He grapples with the fact that billions of different... Read more

Aaron has something big on his mind, and he's having trouble getting it off his chest. He grapples with the fact that billions of different... Read more

I Dream Before I Take the Stand by Arlene Hutton

  • Drama
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  • 20 - 25 minutes
  • 1 W, 1 M, 
Productions (198)

A defense lawyer cross-examines a woman during her testimony in a sexual assault case -- and in doing so, horribly distorts her perfectly... Read more

A defense lawyer cross-examines a woman during her testimony in a sexual assault case -- and in doing so, horribly distorts her perfectly... Read more

Streaming Rights Available

The Trojan Women adapted by Ellen McLaughlin

  • Drama
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  • 70 - 90 minutes
  • 12 W, 2 M,  (12-40 actors possible: 10-30 W, 2-10 M)
Productions (156)

In the wake of their devastating defeat, the women of Troy, all now widows, wait on the beach below the ravaged city to be claimed by their Greek... Read more

In the wake of their devastating defeat, the women of Troy, all now widows, wait on the beach below the ravaged city to be claimed by their Greek... Read more

Available as eScript

A Time to Kill adapted for the stage by Rupert Holmes

  • Drama
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  • 120 - 135 minutes
  • 3 W, 10 M,  (10-18 actors possible: 2-6 W, 8-12 M)
Productions (30)

Carl Lee Hailey shot two men in the very courtroom where he now stands trial. But attorney Jake Brigance sees Hailey's act of vengeance against... Read more

Carl Lee Hailey shot two men in the very courtroom where he now stands trial. But attorney Jake Brigance sees Hailey's act of vengeance against... Read more

Streaming Rights Available

Ajax in Iraq by Ellen McLaughlin

  • Drama
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  • 70 - 90 minutes
  • 7 W, 5 M,  (11-30 actors possible: 6-17 W, 5-19 M)
Productions (35)

Past and present collide in Ellen McLaughlin’s mash-up of Sophocles’ classic tragedy Ajax with the modern-day Iraq war. The play follows the... Read more

Past and present collide in Ellen McLaughlin’s mash-up of Sophocles’ classic tragedy Ajax with the modern-day Iraq war. The play follows the... Read more

Available as eScript

Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry by Arlene Hutton

  • Drama
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  • 50 - 70 minutes
  • 4 W, 5 M, 1 Any (10-20 actors possible: 4-12 W, 5-8 M)
Productions (11)

Teen sex, lies and gossip, power, secrets, manipulation, mascara, the need to scream, and what teens really want to say. When the president of... Read more

Teen sex, lies and gossip, power, secrets, manipulation, mascara, the need to scream, and what teens really want to say. When the president of... Read more

Bill of (W)Rights by Janet Allard and 7 others

  • Comedy
  • Drama
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  • 80 - 90 minutes
  • 10 W, 13 M,  (10-24 actors possible)
Productions (8)

Bill of (W)Rights is a political funhouse growing from a moment in history when self-censorship abounds and the populace is increasingly governed... Read more

Bill of (W)Rights is a political funhouse growing from a moment in history when self-censorship abounds and the populace is increasingly governed... Read more

Available as eScript

Smoke by Kim Davies

  • Drama
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  • 70 - 80 minutes
  • 1 W, 1 M, 
Productions (12)

"You know you get to choose what happens to you, right?" That's what John tells Julie when they meet by accident at a kink-play party in New York... Read more

"You know you get to choose what happens to you, right?" That's what John tells Julie when they meet by accident at a kink-play party in New York... Read more

Self Defense, or death of some salesmen by Carson Kreitzer

  • Drama
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  • 95 - 100 minutes
  • 5 W, 3 M,  (8-24 actors possible: 5-14 W, 3-10 M)
Productions (17)

Seven white men have been found dead along I-95 in Florida. A prostitute is arrested and charged with their murders. The police say she's a... Read more

Seven white men have been found dead along I-95 in Florida. A prostitute is arrested and charged with their murders. The police say she's a... Read more

Streaming Rights Available

The Beauty Inside (one-act) by Catherine Filloux

  • Drama
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  • 15 - 20 minutes
  • 3 W, 
Productions (30)

A young girl in southeastern Turkey becomes the target of an honor killing. In a terrifying clash of value systems, the girl's traditionalist... Read more

A young girl in southeastern Turkey becomes the target of an honor killing. In a terrifying clash of value systems, the girl's traditionalist... Read more

Equinox by Jonathan Graham

  • Drama
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  • 40 - 50 minutes
  • 2 W, 
Productions (21)

Why was 14-year-old Evelyn found naked and screaming in the field behind her house? An investigator assigned to question Evelyn discovers that... Read more

Why was 14-year-old Evelyn found naked and screaming in the field behind her house? An investigator assigned to question Evelyn discovers that... Read more

A Map of Virtue by Erin Courtney

  • Drama
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  • 65 - 75 minutes
  • 2 W, 4 M, 1 Any (7 actors possible: 2-3 W, 4-5 M)
Productions (16)

A Map of Virtue is a symmetrical play guided by a bird statue, pivoting around an encounter with and dissection of evil. Part interview, part... Read more

A Map of Virtue is a symmetrical play guided by a bird statue, pivoting around an encounter with and dissection of evil. Part interview, part... Read more

Never Tell by James Christy

  • Comedy
  • Drama
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  • 110 - 120 minutes
  • 2 W, 5 M,  (6-8 actors possible: 2-3 W, 4-5 M)
Productions (4)

Never Tell centers around two enigmatic creations: a controversial video installation that includes documentary-style footage of a rape, and a... Read more

Never Tell centers around two enigmatic creations: a controversial video installation that includes documentary-style footage of a rape, and a... Read more

Available as eScript

Unbroken Circle by James Wesley

  • Drama
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  • 85 - 95 minutes
  • 6 W, 1 M, 
Productions (11)

In Galveston, Texas, a family is brought together for the first time in years on the day of its patriarch's funeral. As day turns into night, the... Read more

In Galveston, Texas, a family is brought together for the first time in years on the day of its patriarch's funeral. As day turns into night, the... Read more

Chekhov's Three Seagulls by Amanda Claire Buckley

  • Comedy
  • Drama
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  • 5 - 15 minutes
  • 3 W, 
Productions (10)

Kate, Jackie, and Bee are three quirky teenage girls embroiled in an argument about Chekhov's The Seagull, but their amusing intellectual banter... Read more

Kate, Jackie, and Bee are three quirky teenage girls embroiled in an argument about Chekhov's The Seagull, but their amusing intellectual banter... Read more

Available as eScript

By the Waters of Babylon by Robert Schenkkan

  • Drama
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  • 110 - 120 minutes
  • 1 W, 1 M, 
Productions (8)

On a hot afternoon in Austin, Texas, the widowed Catherine hires Arturo, a Cuban writer turned gardener, to tame her overgrown backyard. What... Read more

On a hot afternoon in Austin, Texas, the widowed Catherine hires Arturo, a Cuban writer turned gardener, to tame her overgrown backyard. What... Read more

The Great Father by Victor Lodato

  • Drama
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  • 5 - 10 minutes
  • 1 W, 1 M, 
Productions (7)

A young man and woman in a psychiatric ward confront the violence lurking in history and in their own pasts. This piece is part of Snapshot, an... Read more

A young man and woman in a psychiatric ward confront the violence lurking in history and in their own pasts. This piece is part of Snapshot, an... Read more