Ryan Pavelchik has published fiction, poetry and plays in Mused, Rant, Spectrum, The Catalyst, and Ploughshares. His photography has appeared in Mused and American Theatre magazine. His play Al Jolsen's Nursery was produced at the Studio Theatre at UCSB. A Wake for an Hour was produced at the Studio Theatre at UCSB and The Actor's Gang in Los Angeles. The Match was commissioned by Austin Scriptworks and was subsequently produced during FronteraFest at Hyde Park Theatre in Austin and at Actors Theatre of Louisville where it was a finalist for the Heideman Award. STATIC was a part of the UT-Austin New Works Festival in 2005 and produced by Salvage Vanguard Theatre in 2006 where it received an Austin Critics' Circle Award. Deep in Disbear was workshopped at the UCSB Summer Theater Lab and produced at the 2007 UT-Austin New Works Festival.