William Kovacsik holds degrees from Drew University and the Fordham University School of Law, and practiced law on Wall Street. He received his M.F.A. in Playwriting from Carnegie Mellon University, where he was on the faculty from 1994-2001. He also taught playwriting at the Pittsburgh Public Theater.
His plays have been seen around the country. The Barksdale Confession was produced by the WorkShop Theater Company in New York in 2004. Music of the Spheres, dealing with the life of twelfth-century mystic and composer Hildegard von Bingen, was staged by the Hartt School at the University of Hartford in 2003. Pillar of Salt won the 2003 International Playwriting Contest for scripts with religious and spiritual themes sponsored by Hanover College and The Lilly Endowment.
Scales of Justice had its professional premiere at the Long Beach Playhouse in the fall of 2002. A revised version of the play was presented at the Hartt School in 2004. Previously, Scales of Justice was named Best Play in the 1999 Dayton Playhouse FutureFest, and received readings at Carnegie Mellon University, the Antipodes Theatre Company and the WorkShop Theater Company.