Kenneth Jones is a playwright, lyricist and librettist whose Alabama Story was a nominee for the Steinberg/American Theatre Critics Association New Play Award and a Finalist in the O'Neill National Playwrights Conference. His plays and musicals have been produced or developed by Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, Pioneer Theatre Company, Alabama Shakespeare Festival, Florida Studio Theatre, Human Race Theatre Company, Hudson Stage Company, Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theatre, Off-Broadway's TACT/The Actors Company Theatre, Wyoming Theater Festival, Clarence Brown Theatre, Red Mountain Theatre Company and beyond. Plays: Two Henrys (Semi-Finalist, O’Neill NPC); Hollywood, Nebraska (Wyoming Theater Festival); Circa 1976 (Semi-Finalist, O'Neill NPC); Last Call at the Old Slave Quarters Lounge (Florida Studio Theatre Commission), among others. Musicals: It Happened One Christmas, co-conceived with Karen Azenberg (Pioneer Theatre Company); Naughty/Nice, with composer Gerald Stockstill (published by stagerights.com); Voice of the City, with composer Elaine Chelton (workshop, Human Race Theatre Company). Publication: 2015 Best Men's Stage Monologues (Smith & Kraus). He is a member of the Dramatists Guild, BMI, the BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Workshop and Florida Studio Theatre's Playwright Collective. Visit ByKennethJones.com.